News & Updates

LAW-GAME and the detection of suspicious objects

LAW-GAME and the detection of suspicious objects

An article prepared by SquareDev (Partner of the LAW-GAME Consortium) Lessons learned from our involvement in the LAW-GAME project LAW-GAME implies a Digital Gamification Approach for effective experiential training and prediction of suspicious actions. SquareDev...

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Computer Vision in the context of LAW-GAME

Computer Vision in the context of LAW-GAME

An article by SquareDev Computer vision is a segment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) used to enable systems and computers to analyze and extract information from visual data, such as digital images, video files and other visualized assets. Computer vision allows the...

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LAW-GAME Press Release in the Media

LAW-GAME Press Release in the Media

The Project's first Press Release, distributing information on the objectives of LAW-GAME, the goals and technologies to be developed, as well as the exquisite consortium of partners that have joined forces in this innovative H2020 project, has been featured in the...

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The 1st Press Release of LAW-GAME Project is out!

The 1st Press Release of LAW-GAME Project is out!

The newly-launched LAW-GAME European project, is expected to revolutionize the digital gamification methods and elevate the experiential training of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and first responders through the utilisation of emerging technologies. The 3-year...

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